

ENHR Çalıştayları

2010 İstanbul / Türkiye, “Urban Dynamics&Housing Change: - Crossing into the 2nd Decade of the 3rd Millennium”

  • Housing and Urban Issues in Developing Countries (Yurdanur Dülgeroğlu, Chris Watson)
  • Housing and Cities: Security, Privatization and Control (Rowland Atkinson, Ahsen Özsoy, Gülçin Pulat Gökmen)

2011 Toulouse / Fransa, “Mixité’: An Urban and Housing Issue?”

  • Housing & Urban Issues in Developing Countries (Yurdanur Dülgeroğlu Yüksel, C. Watson)
  • Housing and Cities: Changing Social and Spatial Boundaries (Gülçin Pulat Gökmen, Renaud Le Goix, Ahsen Özsoy)
  • The Quality of Architectural Design and Urban Housing, Reneieving Architecture and Residential Design in the Urban Context- A Critical Inventory (Ahsen Özsoy, Birgit Jurgenhake, Jana Zdrahalova)

2012 Lillehammer / Norveç, “Housing: Local Welfare and Local Markets in a Globalised World”

  • Housing and Urban Issues in Developing Countries (Yurdanur Dülgeroğlu, Chris Watson)
  • The Quality of Architectural Design and Urban Housing (Ahsen Özsoy, B. Jurgenhake, J. Zdrahalova)
  • Common Interest Developments and Gated Communities: Conflicts Between Global and Local Contexts (Gülçin Pulat Gökmen, Renaud Le Goix, Ahsen Özsoy)

2013 Tarragona / Spain “Overcoming the Crisis: integrating the urban environment”

  • Housing in Developing Countries (Claudio Acioly Jr., Gülden Erkut, Kosta Mathéy, Chris Watson, Yurdanur Dügleroğlu Yüksel)
  • Housing and Cities: Changing Social and Spatial Boundaries (Gülçin Pulat Gökmen, Renaud Le Goix, Ahsen Özsoy)
  • Residential Buildings & Architectural Design (B. Jürgenhake, J. Zdrahalova, Ahsen Özsoy)

2014 Edinburgh / UK "Beyond Globalisation: Remaking Housing Policy in a Complex World"

  • Housing in Developing Countries (Claudio Acioly Jr., Gülden Erkut, Kosta Mathéy, Chris Watson, Yurdanur Dügleroğlu Yüksel)
  • Residential Buildings and Architectural Design (Birgit Jürgenhake, Jana Zdrahalova, Ahsen Özsoy)

2015 Lizbon / Portekiz "Housing and Cities in a time of change: are we focusing on People?"

  • Residential Buildings & Architectural Design (J. Zdrahalova, B. Jurgenhake,  Ahsen Özsoy)
  • Housing and Urban Issues in Developing Countries (Yurdanur Dülgeroğlu Yüksel, Gülden Erkut, Christopher Watson)