Seminar / Symposium
Relationship between Psychology and Art in Livable Temporary Settlements I Artist Eda ZAMANPUR I Psychologist Funda AKBAYIR
ITU Housing Research and Education Center, together with Taşkışla Design Lab, organizes an online seminar on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 10:00. We look forward for your participation.

Sustainability in Housing I Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ömer EREM
Our third event in the seminar series of ITU Housing Research and Education Center was held online on 14 December 2022. We would like to express our thanks to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ömer EREM and all the participants.

ITU Design LAB Seminar I Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ebru KERİMOĞLU
Within the scope of the Department of City and Regional Planning Seminars, a seminar on "Taşkışla Design Lab" will be held by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ebru Kerimoğlu on Wednesday, 28.09.2022, between 12.30-13.30 in Hall 127.
Taşkışla Design Lab project, supported by the Istanbul Development Agency (İSTKA) and carried out within ITU Faculty of Architecture with the cooperation of ITU's relevant stakeholders, aims to share the process of "learning, thinking, creating, and experiencing together" with actors who serve, produce, contribute and support different design scales in Istanbul. The main objective of the project is to strengthen the design-based creative industries ecosystem in Istanbul by creating an environment that will encourage the establishment of independent collaboration structures, raise awareness about the creative economy and shape urban development policies.
Taşkışla Design Lab Project aims to work together on different design topics and scales, to produce together with experts and young people, to understand and explain the importance of interdisciplinary and inter-institutional work, and to institutionalize and make these collaborations sustainable.
We look forward to your participation.
Disability Week Activities I "Communication with People with Disabilities
Our second event in the seminar series of ITU Housing Application and Research Center was held online on May 16, 2022. We would like to thank our speaker Mr. N. Ertuğrul ERDEM and all participants.
You can access the presentation titled "Communication with Persons with Disabilities" from the link below.
Disability Week Activities I "Communication with People with Disabilities [Online seminar]
ITU Housing Application and Research Center [Housing Uyg.Ar] seminars continue with the activities of Disability Week. Within the scope of the week, N. Ertuğrul ERDEM will give a seminar titled "Communication with People with Disabilities". Our online seminar will be held on Monday, May 16, 2022 at 19.00 and is open to everyone.
Zoom link:
ID: 688 220 5881
Password Eu9z4W
LEED Certified Building Applications I Badıllı Tekstil Esenyurt Project
This first event in the seminar series of our ITU Housing Application and Research Center took place online on April 27, 2022. We would like to thank our speakers and all participants.
You can access the recording of our online seminar from the link below...

ITU Housing Application and Research Center [Housing Uyg.Ar] Seminars start with our LEED Certified Building Applications online seminar.
Our speakers in our seminar titled "Badıllı Tekstil Esenyurt Project":
- Arif BADILLI [Badıllı Tekstil]
- Taygun YÜKSEL [Leed AP, EDGE Expert]
- Gediz EVYAPAN [Project Technical Design and Marketing Director]
Our online seminar will take place on Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at 17.00 and is open to everyone. Zoom link:
“Doctoral Studies on Housing”

The symposium, organized jointly by Eastern Mediterranean University Housing, Education, Research and Consultancy Center (EMU, HERA-C) and ITU Housing Research and Education Center (ITU, KAEM), Magosa-Cyprus, May 20-22, 2008
The idea of organizing a symposium on doctoral studies on housing stems from the diversity and variety of the field of housing research. The symposium is aimed at graduate students and academics who have worked or are still working on housing between 2002 and 2008. Housing has always been and continues to be the main subject of different research fields. This symposium aims to create a scientific platform on the diversity of housing research topics. To this end, researchers and academics are encouraged to share their findings. At the same time, it is also planned to establish a network that will enable the exchange of ideas and partnerships between researchers in the field of housing.